Implementation of a bot that plays a game of Duckhunt, TicTacToe , TicTacToe3d , Checkers. Ant Colony optimization and genetic algorithms for search problem dealing with uncertainty and limited resources.
Implementation of regression , non parametric regression , EM on Phylogenetic tree ,VI for earthquake epicenter detection , DGM and DP for Machine Learning. All implementations require derivations ( in the report)
Implementation of a k layer NN for classification of CIFAR10 dataset, Convolution Neural Network for surname ethnicity classification , RNN for text generation without DL libraries.
A deep convolution network for classification of chest X-ray images. Uses VGG16 as the base for transfer learning. Data Augmentation in the form of lung segmentation by U-Net network. Visual explanations using GradCAM.
A Seq2Seq LSTM Encoder-Decoder framework that borrows the methodology of skipgram and continuous bag-of-words from Word2vec to learn contextual word embedding directly from speech data.
Implementation of dimensionality reduction technique called Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model and comparison with PCA, kernel PCA, MDS, t SNE on Oilflow,Vowels ,HAR UCI ,Wine UCI ,USPS Digits datasets.